karaoke day
I'll be having tests on next wednesday and hopes they'll turn out beautifully twinkling brightly. Am facing with case loads and for sure with those common facts which need fully understanding instead memorizing them one by one. Still have to memorize but it should be better to understand the principles first, facts of the cases and judges held before come out with own words. There will be problematic question for law ethic which compulsory to answer and basically this area will combine more than one topic. I have seven chapters to revise and neither hints nor tips given by my handsome lecturer. It is not include my admin test which will be held on the same day with four chapters and 10 questions have to be finish in one hour. Why on earth they don't have such a tiny sympathy towards their student??
After finishes my midterm tests i'll focus on the assignments which have to submit on week seven. And a presentation should be added here. We are fighting with time in second trimester as it is a short sem that not even reaches two months of lecture. It'll be great if i'm not sighing here by pretend this trimester is more lighter compared on what i'm gonna face on next next trimester or should i said my future. Practices do make perfect *nodding

my current favourite couple in We Got Married. I watched this program quite long time ago but it was limited to certain scene which only if there are Hyun Joong and Hwang Bo around.
Happy Weekend

Damn cute and i cannot stop from wasting my time google about him. And of course youtube for his performance.
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