Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Happy Bithday Mama !!!

Helo everyone,

Just a short update to wish Happy Belated Bithday on 7th September for my greatest mum.

What i'm gonna say to u :

~ Thanks for everything that u give to me. U're love, care, money, harta2..(isk: gurau je)..babbling (mom's credibility), advise and so on...(^_^) Till tomorrow cannot finish if i jog all it here..:D

~ Eventhough the
number of ur ages get increased, i'm still thinking that u're still young. ( Actually this dialogue is from mom to her child right? :P ) Bodeksss..:D

~ My love to u is not just till the last petal, but it is ever and ever ok.

I MaMa

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